• 麦家荣






    · 济南市海外联谊会副会长

    · 香港济南联谊总会常务副会长
    · 香港山东各级政协委员联谊会监事会副主席及法律顾问
    · 香港证券商协会法律顾问
    · 广州仲裁委员会仲裁员
    · 全港各区工商联合会法律顾问
    · 商界助更生委员会执行委员会主席
    · 香港航空青年团高级荣誉长官及荣誉上校
    · 香港律师会大中华法律事务委员会委员
    · 肇庆海外联谊会执行委员会副主席
    · 山东政法学院的兼职教授
    · 广东省涉外律师领军人才

  • Burçin Barlas
    Burçin Barlas

    Burçin Barlas is the founding partner of Barlas Law Firm.Besides his membership to Istanbul Bar association,Burçin is also a member of the International Bar Association (IBA), Turkish-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry, American Chamber of Commerce and he is enlisted in the reference list of Australian Consulate in Turkey.

    Prior incorporating BLF, he has worked in many due diligence projects, mergers and acquisitions, privatizations and international structuring projects in a variety of sectors, including energy, health, finance,construction, insurance and real estate. Burçin assists his clients with the establishment of all types of business entities, limited liability companies, Joint Stock Companies and escrow structured transactions.

    Burçin Barlas是Barlas律师事务所的创始合伙人,除了是伊斯坦布尔律师协会的成员外,Burçin还是国际律师协会(IBA)、土耳其-英国工商会、美国商会的成员,并被列入澳大利亚驻土耳其领事馆的参考名单。


  • Diego Villarroel
    Diego Villarroel

    迭戈·比利亚罗尔(Diego Villarroel)是费雷尔(Ferrere)的合伙人,负责监督玻利维亚的业务。他领导诉讼与仲裁、银行和反垄断团队。他拥有广泛的仲裁专业知识,涵盖国内和国际商业和投资仲裁,精通国际商会、CAINCO和玻利维亚商会的规则。他代表不同法律领域的客户,包括民事、劳动和反垄断。2021年被《法律500强》评为明日之星律师,并被IFLR1000评为明日之星合伙人。

    Diego Villarroel is a partner at Ferrere overseeing operations in Bolivia. He leads Litigation & Arbitration, Banking, and Antitrust teams. His extensive arbitration expertise covers domestic and international commercial and investment arbitration, adept in ICC, CAINCO, and Bolivian Chamber of Commerce rules. He represents clients in diverse legal areas including civil, labor, and antitrust. Recognized as a Rising Star lawyer by The Legal 500 and as a Rising Star Partner by IFLR1000 in 2021.

  • Somphob Rodboon
    Somphob Rodboon

    Somphob’s highly notable practice focuses mainly on litigation and dispute resolution involving corporate and commercial issues. From his years of experience as litigator in criminal, IP, international trade, labour and bankruptcy laws, Somphob now emerges as a heavyweight in real-estate and construction dispute resolutions, representing high-profile clients in multi-million-dollar cases.

    Somphob的执业范围非常显著,主要集中在涉及公司和商业问题的诉讼和争议解决。凭借在刑事、知识产权、国际贸易、劳动和破产法方面多年的诉讼律师经验,Somphob 现已成为房地产和建筑纠纷解决领域的重量级人物,在数百万美元的案件中代表知名客户

  • Suhan Khan
    Suhan Khan

    Burçin Barlas is the founding partner of Barlas Law Firm.Besides his membership to Istanbul Bar association,Burçin is also a member of the International Bar Association (IBA), Turkish-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry, American Chamber of Commerce and he is enlisted in the reference list of Australian Consulate in Turkey.
    Prior incorporating BLF, he has worked in many due diligence projects, mergers and acquisitions, privatizations and international structuring projects in a variety of sectors, including energy, health, finance,construction, insurance and real estate. Burçin assists his clients with the establishment of all types of business entities, limited liability companies, Joint Stock Companies and escrow structured transactions.

    Suhan Khan,FCIArb,一位经验丰富的律师,获得英格兰和威尔士律师协会和孟加拉国最高法院的执业资格,负责新加坡、伦敦和达卡的国际仲裁。他的专长横跨多个法律领域,为跨国公司、国际非政府组织和国家项目提供咨询。他以孟加拉国的跨境诉讼和监管指导而闻名。

  • A.B.M.Badrud Doulah
    A.B.M.Badrud Doulah

    A founding partners at the firm and Advocate of the Appellate Division of Supreme Court, thehighest judiciary platform. Graduated from Calcutta University and also admitted in Calcutta Bar.

    Badrud is a best known personality in the fields of banking,infrastructure projects and commercial disputes in Bangladesh.Acts in ICC/SIAC/UNCITRAL and LCIA arbitrations. Major achievementincludes acting as the local counsel to finalize the banking regulatory platform of Bangladesh under FSRP Project. Acted in almost all of the first generation power / PPP projects of Bangladesh.


    Badrud 是孟加拉国银行、基础设施项目和商业纠纷领域最知名的人物,在国际商会/新加坡国际仲裁中心/联合国国际贸易法委员会和伦敦国际仲裁院仲裁中担任代理。主要成就包括担任当地法律顾问,在FSRP项目下最终确定孟加拉国的银行监管平台。代理孟加拉几乎所有第一代电力/PPP项目。

  • 北京执诺律师事务所 (简称“执诺律所”)成立于2008年 ,执诺全球总部坐落于北京市国贸CBD核心商圈富尔大厦33层,紧邻中央电视台。16年来执诺专注于商事争议解决、境内外非诉业务、重大疑难案件、刑事经济犯罪、职务犯罪、大标的执行案件等领域,现已成为业内优质的法律服务提供商。百余家遍布全球的海外办公室,2000余名海内外合作律师。律所秉承“诚信、创新、高效、负责”的服务原则,坚持“专业化、透明化、标准化”的发展理念,融合互联网、大数据,致力于打造“国际化、专业化、传媒化、定制化”的企业全方位风险防控精品律所。



